Social Responsibilities

Our Responsibility
At Rafiq Engineering, we believe in long-standing commitment to our surroundings and society. Built on a solid foundation of transparency, governance, and ethics that creates value for us and our stakeholders, we constantly promote accountability.
Giving back to the Planet
We believe more than ever that what’s good for the world is good for business. Our success depends on the people and the fulfilment they attain with prosperity. And we know that to sustain our success we must protect our greatest source: the planet. We provide Energy Efficient products, which not only help conserve but also help to save.
For example, Royal Ceiling Fan Deluxe model 56” with 320 RPM consumes 80watts per hour whereas ceiling 56” of most other brands consume up to 110watts. With a daily usage of 15 hours; Each Royal Fan saves approximately 160 units per year. Leading to a saving of up to Rs. 1300 Per Year.
Community and Workforce Empowerment
Respecting human rights and creating opportunity for everyone are core principles at Royal. We promote diversity and are committed to building an inclusive workforce at all levels. We promote safe working conditions and ethical labour practices throughout our supply chain. And our support of non – profits and social enterprises serves communities in need across the country.
By investing in and constantly working with non-profits and social enterprises, we try our best to promote social change. To name a few:
- Gujrat Chamber of Commerce
- Sughra Welfare Foundation to promote tertiary education in Punjab for the underprivileged
- Free Medical Clinics to provide initial medical care for the underprivileged
- Masjid on GT Road that provides a rest area and a place for travelers to pray